We are pleased to assist the City of Cleveland Heights with the redevelopment of the landmark "Top of the Hill" site. This site, which is located in the vibrant Cedar Fairmount district of Cleveland Heights, is adjacent to University Circle, a world class center of education, medical, and arts and cultural institutions including Case Western Reserve University, University Hospitals, the Cleveland Clinic, the Cleveland Orchestra, and the Cleveland Museum of Art.
The prominent and historic site has seen numerous development attempts during the 45+ years it has been owned by the City, but none have materialized to date. Given the current level of development activity in the area, the City is now seeking qualifications and preliminary proposals from developers with the goal of selecting a partner to work collaboratively with to implement a final development plan.
Responses to the RFQ/RFP are due in May and after an evaluation and interview process, the City hopes to select a development partner by July. The Request for Qualifications and Preliminary Development Proposals can be viewed here.
Silverlode Consulting provides comprehensive support to governments and economic development organizations seeking to develop or redevelop underutilized buildings or land. Our services include assistance with development or redevelopment strategy; identification of needed project partners such as environmental consultants, architects, engineers, attorneys, construction firms; identification of grants and other funding sources such as Tax Increment Financing (TIF), identification and evaluation of development partners, economic and tax incentive strategy, and project implementation. Silverlode has a long history of helping communities navigate the complex process of developing and redeveloping properties to maximize tax revenue generation and economic impact.