A prominent site in the City of Cleveland Heights had remained vacant, despite decades of development proposals, community ideas, and site studies. The City was ready to redevelop the Top of the Hill site and generate investment, economic impact, and enhance quality of life.
The City engaged Silverlode to manage the selection of a development partner. Silverlode created an objective process and key criteria for evaluating development proposals, established roles and responsibilities for the team, and created a comprehensive list of potential developers from within and outside of the region. Silverlode developed an RFQ/RFP for the city and worked with the City to distribute this directly to developers and through various media channels. Silverlode guided City staff and Council through multiple stages of filtering developers including interviews, presentations, site tours, and due diligence. Silverlode represented the city in public meetings, negotiated the developer agreement, and advised the city on development financing.
The successful $80 million mixed-use development is the largest in the city’s history.